22 Super Helpful Adobe After Effects Tricks!

22 Super Helpful Adobe After Effects Tricks!


At VirtualSetLab, we are all about finding new ways to speed up our workflow when we are working on a new animation project. One of the ways we keep up with work flow techniques is by watching tutorial videos. Even after using After Effects for over 10 years, there are a few tips in the video below that we found helpful! We hope you enjoy it!


1. Shift+Parenting Behavior at 0:33
2. Layer Selection at 1:35
3. Go to Visible Item in the Timeline (J, and K) at 2:24
4. Reveal Properties (U, and UU) at 3:09
5. Paste Layers at Current Time (CTRL+ALT+V) at 3:50
6. Close Other Timeline Panels at 4:52
7. Find Missing Footage, Effects, or Fonts at 5:19
8. Reveal in Explorer at 6:06
9. Copy with Property Links (CTRL+ALT+C) at 6:37
10. Center Anchor Point (CTRL+ALT+HOME) at 9:01
11. Center in View (CTRL+HOME) at 9:56
12. Fit to Comp (CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+H, CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+G, and CTRL+ALT+F) at 10:43
13. Flexible Masking Options at 11:37
14. Bezier Paths for Shape Layers at 13:30
15. Reveal in Timeline at 14:48
16. Default Render Setting (CTRL+Click on Render Preset) at 15:17
17. Set Work Area to Duration of Selected Layers (CTRL+ALT+B) at 16:17
18. Delete All Effects from Selected Layers (CTRL+SHIFT+E) at 16:47
19. Turn Off All Other Solo Switches (CTRL+Click on Solo) at 17:32
20. Reset Rotation and Scale at 17:54
21. RAM Preview with Alternate Settings (Shift+0) at 18:31
22. Live Text Templates for Premiere Pro at 19:36